Very recently I have realised that I am living the life I aspired to. It has taken some time to round off all the potential and turn it into a coherent job in this weird and wonderful industry of classical music. Among many, many souls and institutions who helped on the way I need to mention a few truly selfless people who played an absolutely crucial role in my  formation and development.


I thank from the bottom of my heart

Prof. Katarzyna Popowa-Zydron, for awaking my senses to love music.

Herbert Jung, for believing in my talent and helping me to finance my education and my piano.

Ariel Aviner and Peter Reimer for funding my education and my piano.

Mandy Demetriou, for making me aware that an emotion translates in a physical gesture that brings authenticity in artistic expression, be it dance, theatre or music.

Frederica von Stade, for giving me my second home in California.

Mum and dad for making me the way I am - I love it!